Netta Loogatha Birrmuyingathi Maali (c.1942-2022)
19 January to 11 February 2023

Netta Loogatha Birrmuyingathi Maali (c.1942-2022)
19 January to 11 February 2023
17 Thurlow St, Redern, NSW 2016
Netta Loogatha Birrmuyingathi Maali was born on Bentinck Island at Bilmee, Dog Story Place, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. Loogatha is one of the renowned seven ‘sisters’ from Bentinck Island which includes Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori.
Through her vibrant portrayal of her home, Loogatha celebrates the landscape and uses her paintings to teach the next generation about Country.
“I paint the story places, all different places, true story places. We learned these from the old people. We learned what’s not for touching. They tell us what it means. We do this so we can pass these stories down to our grandchildren while we’re still alive. They love to hear our stories because of the olden time Dreamtime stories and dancing. There are lots of things that I remember to tell in stories.”
“I am happy to show other people My Country and Culture. It brings a smile to my face when I finish an artwork and see a part of me on it.”

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