Aug 11, 2023
This year’s 2023 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (Telstra NATSIAA), Australia’s richest art awards, presented by the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) and Principal Partner Telstra on Larrakia Country (Darwin).
With each state and territory represented, the finalists presented an array of outstanding artworks that spoke of heritage, culture, and modern-day experiences.
Hayley Cotton, Cooee Art Leven's Gallery Manager, were among the esteemed attendees, keenly surveying the vibrant showcase at the awards held on Larrakia Country.
"It's an incredible privilege to witness the evolution and growth of Indigenous artistry through this prestigious event," remarked Cotton, visibly moved by some of the pieces. "The convergence of traditional narratives with contemporary techniques makes the Telstra NATSIAA a unique and important event in the art calendar."
As one of the best known art awards in Australia, the 2023 Telstra NATSIAA not only stands as a testament to the depth and breadth of Indigenous artistry but also as a beacon that draws international attention to the stories and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
This year, both emerging and established artists were honored, showcasing the vast gamut of talent that exists across the spectrum.
Cooee Art Leven's representative echoed similar sentiments, noting the significance of having both new and familiar faces on the list of finalists. "It's heartening to see young artists getting the platform they deserve while also celebrating those who have shaped the Indigenous art scene for years."
The winners of the awards, announced amidst much anticipation, included a mix of innovative contemporary pieces and deeply traditional artworks. With representatives from every state and territory, the awards were a true reflection of the diverse and dynamic nature of Indigenous art in Australia.
While the event came to a close, the reverberations of the art and stories showcased will undoubtedly continue to inspire and educate many about the rich and intricate tapestry that is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art.
For those who missed the awards ceromony, the physical exhibition and the online showcase remains available, ensuring that this magnificent display of artistry can be accessed by anyone, anywhere.
Visit https://www.magnt.net.au/natsiaa2023 for the official website. © Images and copyright belongs to MAGNT.
The winners are:
Telstra Art Award (The Big One)
Keith Wikmunea
Wik-Alkan Wik-Mungkan

Photos below by: Charlie Bliss
Telstra General Painting Award Winner
Julie Nangala Robertson
Mina Mina 2022

Telstra Work on Paper Award Winner
Brenda L Croft
blood/memory: Brenda & Christopher II

Telstra Bark Painting Award Winner
Owen Yalandja
Ngalkodjek Yawkyawk 2023
Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award Winner
Anne Nginyangka Thompson
Anangu History 2023
Telstra Emerging Artist Award Winner
Dhalmula Burarrwanja
wanha, dhika, nhawi? 2022
Telstra Multimedia Award Winner
Jimmy John Thaiday
Beyond the lines 2022
2023 Telstra NATSIAA Finalists
Congratulations to all the finalist!
Anindilyakwa Artist Collective
Anne Nginyangka Thompson
Arnold Joseph Tipiloura
Balwaldja Wanapa Munuŋgurr
Barbara Mbitjana Moore
Betty Bundamurra
Betty Campbell
Billy Tjampitjinpa Kenda
Brenda L Croft
Carbiene McDonald Tjangala
Corban Clause Williams
Dhalmula Burarrwaŋa
Dhamuw Koedal
Dhopiya Yunupiŋu
Doris Arlyetilhe Thomas
Dulcie Sharpe
Eileen Bray Joomena
Elisa Jane Carmichael
Emma Singer
Frank Young
Gaypalani Waṉambi
George Cooley
Glen Namundja
Graham Badari
Gunybi Ganambarr
Harry Guyumbirrirr Malibirr
Iluwanti Ken
Jahkarli Felicitas Romanis
Janet Koongotema
Janice Murray Pungautiji
Jeanette James
Jimmy John Thaiday
Joanne Napangardi Wheeler
Julie Nangala Robertson
Kaye Brown
Keith Wikmunea
Mandy Quadrio
Mary Dhapalany
Matthew Djipurrtjun Teapot
Michael Jalaru Torres
Motorbike Paddy Ngale
Mrs Heffernan
Muluymuluy Wirrpanda
Naminapu Maymuru-White
Naomi Kantjuriny
Napuwarri Marawili
Nyinta Donald
Owen Yalandja
Patrick Mung Mung
Rachael Lionel
Raelene Kerinauia Lampuwatu
Samson Bonson
Shaun Angeles Penangke
Shirley Macnamara
Stanley Ebatarinja
Tanya Van Horen
Umatji Tanya Tjapalyi
Warraba Weatherall
Wendy Hubert
Wurrandan Marawili
Yalmakany Marawili
Yaritji Tingila Young